You can create diagrams of different kinds, including 3D diagrams: Bar, Stacked Bar, Point, Bubble, Line, Scatter Line, Fast Line, Step Line, Spline, Area, Spline Area, Stacked Area, Stacked Spline Area, Range Bar, Gantt, Pie, Pie 3D, Torus 3D, Radar Point, Radar Line, Radar Area, Radar Spline, Radar Spline Area, Funnel, Pyramid, Pyramid 3D, High Low, Candle Stick. You can also create new scenes and add them to your project if you are unsatisfied with the items you have added. Unlike other video editors, this software solution enables you to rearrange your selected files and adjust their length and size until you are pleased with the outcome.

Despite the simplicity of the user interface, the program offers plenty of features that allow users to create long and complex videos. VSDC Video Editor Pro features a modern and highly intuitive interface that uses all kinds of wizards to make video creation and editing hassle-free and straightforward. This video editor is intended for editing video files and creating videos of any complexity involving various visual and audio effects. Free Download VSDC Video Editor Pro for Windows PC.