The Evil Within graphically is very good and realistic as it could be especially for how crazy some scenes are. It has very good blood graphics and this game has a lot of it! It gives you that little extra fear when you wake up hung in a butcher type area with other bodies. The Evil Within was created using the Id Tech 5 Engine, the same engine that was used to create games like Rage and Wolfenstein: The New Order so it’s in good company. As you start to get used to your surroundings and what you’re up against but then it completely changes in a minute freaking you out and leaving you clueless and where you started.

The plot is very confusing and messing with you a lot when you’re playing, but it adds something special to the horror aspects because you’re never going to know what is going to happen and gives you that extra bit of fear on top. Soon after this, you’re reunited with your co-workers and find out that you’re actually in the murder’s head. The game starts now as, after this, you’re chased by a man wielding a chainsaw, you flee. Then out of near enough nowhere, you are thrown into another reality and separated from all your co-workers. Playing this game without researching it first does mess with your head as you start thinking that this is pretty normal, well for a game it is. The Evil Within starts pretty normalish as you play as Detective Sebastian Castellanos who is expecting a crime scene of mass murder. The game is a great mix of different genres and it really uses every element in the game to suit its purpose. The game is developed by a Japanese studio called Tonga GameWorks and published by one of the big ones, Bethesda.

Ok, if you are not a fan of horror games because they are scary, this will not change your mind.