It is not necessary to complete the story quests for zones prior to those in High Isle and Amenos. The zone story quests tie into the Legacy of the Bretons overarching storyline and continues on to Galen and Y'ffelon. High Isle and Amenos features a series of zone story quests and unrelated side quests. The Vestige can buy general merchant items, sell any sellable item, and repair damaged armor for a fee. Traveling merchants are characters who walk specific routes in the zone who offer merchant services. Traveling merchants Main article: Traveling Merchant

The following are locations accessible in High Isle and Amenos and, with the exception of unmarked locations, are discoverable on the map. Locations Main article: Locations (Online) The island of Amenos, unlike High Isle, is a largely uninhabited jungle used by the House Bretons as a penal colony.

In 2E 582, the islands are occupied by both druidic and chivalric Bretons, with the druids, particularly of the Stonelore Circle, living in central wilderness, and the House Bretons occupying various coastal settlements under the governance of House Dufort. ĭuring the time of the All Flags Navy circa 1E 2200, High Isle was used as a staging area for the assault against Thras, with All Flags Islet in the island's center used as the Navy's centralized point of command and control. High Isle and Amenos, as with the rest of the archipelago, was first settled by the Druids of Galen in 1E 330 escaping the hostile Direnni Hegemony that regarded them as a threat due to their advocacy of druidic governance over High Rock, as well as the Alessian Order who regarded them as "Meriphilic heretics." Pieron Desant of the Gleaners of Aurbis travelled to High Isle for a heist during the Interregnum, and brought back a valuable haul to Fargrave.

"The largest island in the Systres Archipelago, High Isle serves as the center of politics and commerce for the island chain, predominantly from the port city of Gonfalon Bay and the Dufort Shiyards." ― Loading screen